CS 373 Quiz: CS 373 Binghamton Quiz8f03 sol post

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105: you are not permitted to use a calculator on this exam, in order to receive full credit, you must show your work. Be wary of doing computations in your head. Fall 2016 (a) (5 points) circle the correct one: Reference angle of an angle is always an acute / obtuse / straight /quadrantal angle. (b) (10 points) a surveyor measured the angle of elevation to be 60 . The transit is 3 feet above the ground (that is the distance between b and d in the graph) and 100 feet from the tower. 2 (10 points) (a) (5 points) find the value of cos2(15 ) + cos2(75 ) 3. (b) (5 points) find the value of cos(30 ) + sin( . 4 to degrees. (b) (5 points) find a positive angle less than 360 that is coterminal with 135 . (c) (5 points) find the reference angle of 135 .