MATH 304 Quiz: MATH 304 Binghamton Math304 Fall2018 Quiz10

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2, w (2) (3 pts) use your answer to part (1) to nd the coe cients, x1, x2, x3, of the projection, They are uniquely determined by the condition that v p rojw (v) is orthogonal to w , that is, (v p rojw (v)) w j = 0 for 1 j 3. Instructions: show all calculations and reasons needed to justify your answers. Let v = r4 with the standard dot product. 4 (1) (4 pts) use the gram-schmidt process to convert t into an orthogonal basis. X i=1 xiw i of the vector v = a b c d. They are uniquely determined by the condition that v p rojw (v) is orthogonal to w , that is, (v p rojw (v)) w . Solution: the conditions mean that v w j = 0 for 1 j 3: for 1 j 3 j = xj(w j w since t is an orthogonal set.