CAS AN 102 Study Guide - Final Guide: Philopatry, Polygynandry, Kin Selection

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Females limited by access to food so females distribute themselves according to how food is distributed. Males limited by females so males distribute themselves according to how females are distributed. Female distribution based on defendability of and access to resources, predation, and offspring care. Depends on whether males can economically defend multiple females. Primarly when food is clumped (if food is dispersed females will not form. Little food competition means males can keep females together in a group. A male may be able to defend a group from other mates. Less than 5% of mammals, around 90% of birds. Evolves when male parental care is non-shareable and indispensable to. Mating systems: solitary (dispersed, polygyny (one male, multi-female, monogamy (pair-living) female reproduction groups) additional mates, polyandry (one female, multi-male, polygynandry (multi-male, multi-female) Evolves when aggression by mated females prevents males from acquiring. If males and females remain in same group they were born in, it would likely result in inbreeding.