CAS BI 107 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Keystone Species, Tide Pool, Trophic Level

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Ecology study of interactions between biotic/abiotic forces which influence add in. Solar energy tilt of the earth"s axis causes seasons, controls how much sunlight areas of earth"s surface receive. Air is heated by solar energy, rises, cools (loses ability to hold moisture, so losing it as rain or snow) ppts (hadley cells=30 degrees north and south, see rainforests along the equator) Prevailing winds caused by earth"s rotation, and in turn cause ocean currents. Ocean currents carry heat to different parts of the ocean, warm water rises, once it loses heat it sinks to the bottom and continually circulates. Rain shadow**look up** = winds coming off of mountains, as they lose moisture. Upwelling winds cause the water to move vertically, wind blows off of land onto water and push water off the coast, water displaced, cold water comes up which is very nutrient rich. All of these factors result in varying distributions of climate patterns, local organisms adapt to these patterns.