CAS BI 203 Study Guide - Final Guide: Programmed Cell Death, Caspase, Phosphatidylserine

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Lecture 24: cell death (cid:498)activating mutations(cid:499) in some of these proteins contributes to cancer, in. Signaling through each of these 3 pathways can regulate cell proliferation part by inducing uncontrolled cell proliferation: mutations in these pathways contribute to cancer also by inhibiting programmed cell death by apoptosis. Multiple modes of cell death: necrosis accidental cell death due to acute injury resulting in cell lysis & inflammation. Cell death and proliferation are balanced throughout the life of multicellular organisms. Animal development involves cell proliferation and differentiation and also cell death. Most cell death occurs by a normal process of programmed cell death. Roles of programmed cell death: elimination of cells & tissues during development: e. g. , development of fingers & toes. During development, programmed cell death plays a key role by eliminating unwanted cells from many tissues. Examples: elimination of larval tissues during amphibian and insect metamorphosis, elimination of tissue between the digits in the formation of fingers and toes.