CGS NS 201 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Henry Home, Lord Kames, Garrett Hardin, James Hutton

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Any intrusion into nature has numerous effects, many of which are unpredictable. : wa(cid:396)(cid:374)ed of da(cid:374)ge(cid:396)s of o(cid:448)e(cid:396)populatio(cid:374) you (cid:272)a(cid:374)(cid:374)ot do just one thing. This expresses the interconnectedness of everything in nature and in an ecosystem: tragedy of the commons (book) - finite world can only hold a fi(cid:374)ite populatio(cid:374) e(cid:448)e(cid:374)tually populatio(cid:374) g(cid:396)o(cid:449)th (cid:373)ust e(cid:395)ual 0. Chapter 1: darwin rejects the notion that variations in species is due to. Summary of origins of species environmental factors such as availability in food and climate. He says this because new variations of older species have risen and their changes are not due to changes in environment. He also notes that some species who use body organs yield different structures ( ducks with strong legs vs ducks that can fly). Species such as wood pecker, beetle, and fully understand why some traits appear in offspring while others don"t or the fact that various traits may even skip an entire generation.