CGS NS 202 Study Guide - Final Guide: Primary Production, Tillage, Crop Residue

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o Gross production: assimilation of energy by autotrophs
o Net primary production (NPP): energy remaining after respiration, used to generate biomass
Net primary production of ecosystems
o High net primary productivity: ecosystems whose plants rapidly convert solar energy to biomass (S.A, Africa)
Population Growth = Urbanization and Sprawl
Meat consumers: America, australia
Degradation of Land Resources
o Overgrazing
Most significant contributor to soil degradation
Rangelands occupy 40% of Earth’s land surface
Rangelands occupy four times as much area as croplands, primarily in regions unsuitable for crops
Land degradation most pronounced in Australia (80%) and Africa (49%); also evident in the Middle
East, northern india, central asia, mongolia, northern and western china
Degradation of Land Resources
o How to Avoid Soil Erosion
Conservation tillage-- leaves 30% of more of soil surface covered with previous year’s crop residue
Mulch-till- entire field is tilled before planting, with crop residue partially incorporated into soil
Strip-till- fields are tilled only in narrow raised rows to be planted; remainder is left with residue
No-till: crops are planted in undisturbed residue of the former crop on field without tilling
o Terraces, conservation tillage, and filter strips help reduce erosion rates while maintaining or even increasing
crop yields.
o Improper mechanical tillage
o Repeatedly growing crops without fallow periods
o Poor water management of irrigated fields
Water logging
Salinization -- salts naturally present in soil dissolve in rising water table and accumulate at surface,
positioned plant roots
Salinization causes potentially irremediable damage
o Deforestations
o Forests cover approx 30% of world's land area
o Clearing land for agricultural causes greatest loss
o Gathering of fuelwood also causes significant loss
o Commercial lumbering decimates tropical hardwoods
o Cattle ranching has destroyed more tropical forest than any other activity-70% of forested land in panama and
costa rica is now pasture land
10 countries with largest annual net forest loss:
o Brazil, sudan, mexico, argentina, etc.
Net forest Gain
o China, us, spain, india
o Produce and consume less meat
o Rotate crops; don't plan monocultures
o Artificially select domesticated crop species for better yield
Modern tech. Does this via genetic engineering which is faster than selection of offspring
Climate Change and the Human Impact on the Environment
o Geological Time Scale
The sun will increase solar output
Natural heating of earth will occur
Eventually earth will be too hot to support life
Smaller changes in the sun's activity may affect climate
Sun spots
The Little Ice Age
o Cooling of climate between 1150 and 1460
o Very cold climate between 1560 and 1850
o Agriculture
Growing seasons changed 15-20%
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