CAS PS 251 Study Guide - Final Guide: Psychological Repression, Freudian Slip, Psychosomatic Medicine

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Idiographic (galileo) one single case can disprove a law: bigfoot and sasquatch, nobody has found him yet, trait based approaches academic research psychologists, tests. Freud: displacement being pissed at roommate instead of boss, unconscious can influence conscious, projection you"re angry but you blame somebody else as angry. The more people agreed the more they became true. Sigmund freud and psychoanalytic theory: transference take old feelings and transfer them onto something else, passive aggressive. Illogical behaviors not in their normal or reasonable way. Irrational behaviors: neurosis , neurotic: 2+2=4 . but ive never been happy with that rule. New year resolutions where we want to do something but don"t. the idea that wanting something is stronger than having it: anna o associative disorders. Psychosomatic illness: seduction theory, free association say whatever comes to your mind as long as it"s the truth, compromise formation/seduction theory missing sister was replaced by a symptom.