CAS PS 251 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Harry Harlow, Tom Cruise, Terrycloth

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Noted prob w/ freud"s structural theory: structural theory (1923): conlict was seen as essenial part of the developmental system. Id: primary process, relex acion and insincts. Id develops 1st then 6 months later ego and then eventually superego (oedipus complex, what is morally right) o. Freud believed that conlict was essenial to development: hartmann said that conlict was not always essenial. Freud"s structural model had a law to it: 1. Ego steals energy (libido) from the id so it can funcion: 2. Hartmann argued that the ego must have its own source of energy. Began to expand on freud"s noion of conlict. Hartmann"s theoreical pts: newborn in not only a creature of drives. Learning to deal w the world, conlict-free: ego apparatuses of primary autonomy . Certain skills and abiliies that a child has that allows a child to adapt to the world: ego is a raional insituion .