CAS SO 100 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Breaching Experiment, Symbolic Interactionism, Role Theory

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People act on things towards the meaning of those things: ex. if you see a book, you will highlight it or read it. The meaning of those things are products of human interaction. Sig others people who are first to instill norms (ex. family) reference group peers. Generalized other - society o merton and role theory thinking about how we are socialized into the roles of society status social position (mother, teacher) Ascribed involuntary, born with (gender, race. Achieved work for, get, voluntary (job, education: http://thesocietypages. org/socimages/2010/03/16/the-power-of-words/ --> here we see the same image (or phenomenon) perceived from three very different perspectives. This shows us how functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism can look at the same social process and draw quite varied conclusions. It also shows how different meanings can be associated with or assigned to the same thing. One key tenet of symbolic interactionism is that meaning can be modified through an interactive, interpretive process.