ENG EK 127 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Pentagram, Cyan, 8-Bit

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Matrices and vectors vec= 6 5 4 3 2 1. Whos: shows more information about mat= 1 2 3. 1 3 5 7 9 v=linspace(3,15,5) 3 6 9 12 15 v=logspace(1,4,4) 10 100. 0. 9649 0. 9706 rand(2) v(4:6) v([4 5 6]) 3 2 1 flipud(ma. 1 2 3 mat(1,:) 1 2 3 repmat(m at,2,1) 1 2 3 diff(mat) 3 3 3 reshape( mat,3,2) Plotting legend( ","") xlabel( ") ; ylabel( ") sets labels for each axis axis([a, b, c, d]) sets values along axis displays strings passed to it hold on; hold off allows for multiple plots at once variables. Clear variablename: clears that variable"s value intmin(int8) range: [-128, 127] randi(imax): generates random real number on [1,imax] Abs ; sign ; min ; max. Logical statements all: returns true only if all elements are true isequal: outputs 1 if all elements in two vectors are the same or. %s: string field width: the first number after %