CAS LK 211 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Savemoney, Unit

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8 Jan 2018

Document Summary

Verbs: (cid:57)(cid:31)(cid:129)(cid:29) = to oppose (cid:63)(cid:29) = to beg (cid:96)(cid:20)(cid:129)(cid:29) = to approve, to accept (cid:40)(cid:37)(cid:29) = to chat (cid:131)(cid:123)(cid:29) = to scratch, to claw at. Adjectives: (cid:68)(cid:26)(cid:129)(cid:29) = to be cool, chilly (cid:119)(cid:66)(cid:111)(cid:102)(cid:29) = to be abstract (cid:70)(cid:66)(cid:129)(cid:29) = to feel upset, sad. In this lesson, you will learn how to use (cid:127), both as a noun and as a grammatical principle to make your sentences softer and more humble. First of all, one of the meanings of the word (cid:127) is side . These constructions can go into sentences where applicable. The adjective/verb + (cid:127) combination has a meaning that is very similar to that of just the adjective/verb on its own. The only difference is that (cid:127) makes the meaning slightly softer than just the adjective/verb by itself. For example, i could say: (cid:13) (cid:65)(cid:42)(cid:102) (cid:32)(cid:102) (cid:48)(cid:79)(cid:95) = that person has a lot of money.