CAS LK 211 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Memrise, Unit

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8 Jan 2018

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A pdf le neatly presenting these words and extra information can be found here. Play (cid:140)(cid:128) = a form to ll out. Play (cid:124)(cid:174)(cid:207)(cid:43) = to correct, to modify, to x. Play (cid:47)(cid:69)(cid:43) (cid:179)(cid:43) = to take a person somewhere. Play (cid:46)(cid:105)(cid:163)(cid:43) = to add one more thing on top of. Play (cid:114)(cid:205)(cid:43) = to see, to watch closely. Play ((cid:192)(cid:36)(cid:146)) (cid:93)(cid:207)(cid:43) = to fall in love at rst sight. Play (cid:217)(cid:90)(cid:207)(cid:43) = to be dim, to be faint, to be vague. For help memorizing these words, try using our memrise tool. In this lesson, you will learn about the grammatical principles ~((cid:163))(cid:26), and ~(cid:8)(cid:26). Both of these can be used in sentences to have similar meanings, but their usages are different. ~((cid:163))(cid:26) can be attached to words to create a few different meanings depending on the usage. A common usage of ~((cid:163))(cid:26) is to indicate that it hasn"t been decided which noun/object will be acted on.