COM CM 301 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Edward Bernays, P. T. Barnum, Super Bowl

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Strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their publics. History of pr, as well as prominent figures. Process -- constant on going processs that never stops. Explain mutually beneficial try to serve a public interest listening just as important as expressing information. Something that is good for both parties. Both or every party involved benefits from the situation. Groups of individual people when combined into one before the general public. Groups of people that have a direct or indirect associaition with an organization. External = suppliers, society, government, creditors, shareholders, customers internal = employees, manager, owners. Know the page principles -- all of them. 5. conduct pr as if the whole enterprise depends on it. 6. realize an enterprise"s true character is expressed by ts people. Compared to pr (pr specializes in communication with public and media) but how is it different from.