HIST 214 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: State Capitalism, Second Industrial Revolution, Social Darwinism

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England was producing mass marketing for the world. New labor organization of labor leading to specialization. Machinery, skilled workers and manufacturing techniques could not be exported out of britain. Advances in medical science lead to a spike in population. No need of colonies because britain could sell products without colonizing. Pushed for free trade because they had no competition. 1770-1879 was the time of industrial revolution at home and of free trade imperialism in the third world. New technique of mass production with the application of science of industry. Ideology of social darwinism leading to white racism. Economic development in the west/ economic growth in the third world. Producing for other countries and lack of self investment leads economic dependence. Drainage of surplus and capital by foreign capitalists led to lack of industrialization due to foreign competition. Political independence and economic imperialism in latin america. Creoles wanted to remove spain as the middle man in trade.