PSYCH 2010 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Long-Term Memory, Operant Conditioning Chamber, Semantic Memory

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Associating something with reward or getting in trouble. Ivan pavlov - dog remembers assistant feeds him and then associates assistant with eating. Spontaneous recovery: dog will salivate days after he stopped getting food if he hears the bell. Generalization: a boy was afraid of a rat and generalized a fur coat, santa"s beard, cats and dogs all as furry things like the rat, and was then afraid of them as well. Behavior is caused by its consequence (in this casecat getting the food) Cat was able to figure out how to leave cage to get to food. They chose a boy and gave him different objects to play with. They then banged a loud noise behind his head and the kid fell. Conditioned fear response each time kid went to taught the rat they would make a loud noise behind his head. Kid learns to fear the ratthen fears anything that has fur or looks like a rat.