PSY 250 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Internal Consistency, Rating Scale, Operational Definition

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Variability among scores not caused by the independent variable. Independent variable did not affect the dependent. Say there is a change but there is none. Say there is no change when there is. Comparing the mean that you have to the population mean. If the variance is small, means your sample was representative of population. A data point that varies from the rest of the data. The amount of difference accounted for between 2 group. If the p-value is above 0. 05 fail to reject the null. If p-value is below 0. 05 we reject it. One sample, compare it to a known mean (csu gpa vs national gpa. ) Compare two samples (csu gpa vs cu gpa) Each participant experiences only one level of iv. See if there is difference between groups on some variable. Variation due to interaction between samples (men vs. women) How many times the behavior is exemplified.