PSCI 2223 Final: Intro to International Relations Cheat Sheet

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This sheet will cover the most important and commonly talked about subjects in the intro to international relations course at cu boulder! This is meant to only be a quick over view of subjects and will not go into a lot of detail. If you want/need more detail, please refer to notes. One of the most important aspects to understanding world politics is to first understand the actors that are involved in conflicts and decision making processes: actors may be . States (i. e. china, the u. s. , france, the u. k. ). Non-state (i. e. igo"s, ngos, mncs): actors behavior can be . After we figure out who our actors are, it is important to try to understand why actors are behaving the way they are. We can begin to determine this by examining numerous perspectives and paradigms that the actors" behavior may fall into: realism. States are the main actors and act rationally.