ANAT 102 Study Guide - Final Guide: Adventitia, Insulin, Splenic Vein

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Visceral peritoneum: covers some organs in cavity. Retroperitoneal: organs that are on the back abdominal wall covered by peritoneum on their front surface (aka external to peritoneal lining of abdominal cavity) A useful mnemonic to aid recollection of the abdominal retroperitoneal viscera is sad. S = suprarenal glands (aka the adrenal glands) D = duodenum (second and third segments) C = colon (only the ascending and descending branches) Structures that lie behind the peritoneum are termed retroperitoneal. Primarily retroperitoneal: o urinary adrenal glands kidneys ureter bladder o circulatory. 3 aorta inferior vena cava o digestive esophagus (part) rectum: reproductive uterus. Small intestine is made up by: duodenum: shortest region. Starts at pyloric sphincter of stomach and merges with jejunum: jejunum: from the duodenum to the ileum, ileum: longest region. From the jejunum to the large intestine (joins at ileocecal sphincter)