MATH 122 Midterm: MATH 122 Drexel Math122Syllabus

46 views5 pages
15 Feb 2019

Document Summary

It is the prerogative of the math 122 team to change the course during the term at our discretion. Any changes will be communicated via the course website, so be sure to check it frequently. Course announcements, exam information, and other details will be regularly posted to the course website. You are expected to be fully aware of the following policies and expectations, so review this infor- mation carefully and ask your instructor if you have further questions. Students entering math 122 are expected to have completed and passed math 121 or its equivalent. If you earned a d in math 121, you should consider retaking it. Any questions regarding your readiness for the course should be resolved immediately. The subject matter of the course is integration of single-variable functions, including various inte- gration techniques and applications. Regular attendance is essential for success in this course. You are responsible for all the material discussed in class.