OCE 2001- Final Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 93 pages long!)

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1 Dec 2017

Document Summary

Name of titan"s son and his children are ocean nymphs, rivers and seas. From greek word graphia, which means recording and describing. Causes and characteristics of water movement (currents and tides) Marine organisms and their relationships with their environment. Describe the geography of the oceans and landmasses. State of the art technology and collaboration of scientists. First ones to build ships and used coastal piloting; using the coast and its features to tell direction. Orally recited epic poems and settled most islands of the pacific ocean. Discovered the tides varied with the phases of the moon. Compiled a map of the world as he thought in 450 bc. The mediterranean was in the center of the map/world and the landmasses surrounded it. Undertook long sea explorations because they wanted to gain money, land, and for religious motives. Mostly responsible for the circumnavigation of the world. Firsts mariner to sail the polar seas of both hemispheres.