BIOL 1511- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 186 pages long!)

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4 Oct 2017

Document Summary

Introduction to growth and reproduction: cell size. Prokaryotic cells are much smaller than eukaryotic cells which allows ions and organic molecules that enter to quickly diffuse; wastes can be quickly diffused out. Timing of these processes if highly regulated and result in development of special tissue types and morphogenesis (development of organism"s overall shape) Squamous- flat, irregular round shape; simple: lung, capillaries; stratified: skin, mouth, vagine: cuboidal- cube shaped, central nucleus; glands and renal tubules, columnar- tall, narrow, nucleus toward base tall, narrow nucleus along cell; simple: digestive tract; pseudostratified: respiratory tract. Smooth- no striations; single nucleus in center; involuntary control; visceral organs. Lateral- facilitate growth in thickness or girth in maturing plant. In dicots (eudicots), developing embryo has heart shape bc presence 2 cotyledons; embryos and cotyledons fill seed and seed is ready for. Different types f tissues work together to form an organ and organs work together to form organ systems.