CS 1301- Midterm Exam Guide - Comprehensive Notes for the exam ( 29 pages long!)

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Document Summary

1. 3 what is debugging: bugs- programming errors, debugging- process of tracking down and correcting errors in code, syntax errors, runtime errors, semantic errors. 1. 5 runtime errors: exceptions- errors that indicate that something exceptional (and bad) has happened, errors do not occur until you run the program. 1. 6 semantic errors: semantic error- program runs successfully, but it will not do the correct thing; will not give a correct answer, requires you to work backwards; logical problem. 1. 9 the first program: print function- displays a value on the screen, ex. print( hello, world! , hello, world! 1. 10 comments: comment- in computer program, this appears as text that is intended only for human reader; completely ignored by interpreter, # token starts a comment. 2. 1 values and data types: value- one of fundamental things that program manipulates, classes (data types) Integer (int)- numbers: string (str)- string of letters; in quotation marks, floating point (float)- numbers with decimal points.