ECE 2020 Midterm: ECE 2020 GT sp11 sw Exam f

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Instructions: this is a closed book, closed note exam. If you have a question, raise your hand and i will come to you. Please work the exam in pencil and do not separate the pages of the exam. Part a (15 points) consider the five definitions for the block drawn below. One block input is the logical value a. The other input is the control value c. the output behavior for each of the five definitions is given in the table. Complete the full truth table and state the logical (gate) names for each definition. (hint: the first block one appears to mask a when its control input is low. ) Part b (6 points) the circuit below is built using these blocks. Part b: derive the proper mixed logic expression for the following design. Part c: implement a toggle cell using required latches and basics gates (including xors). Part d: draw the state table for the following state diagram.