ARTH 103 Final: ARTH Exam 2 Study Guide

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Ancient rome (during rise of constantine abolished tetrarchy and became sole emperor) Literally took aspects off monuments from the good emperors of 2nd century (trajan, Hadrian, marcus aurelius: relief panels from marcus aurelius monument, figures of captives from trajan, roundels (hunting boar and sacrificing to apollo) from hadrian head replaced with portrait of constantine in both. Ancient rome (c. 118-128) built during hadrian"s rule. Temple dedicated to all gods (pan=all; theion=gods) Niches (interior) once held the statues of gods, but were replaced by saints in 609 by. Oculus (diameter- 143") at the top of perfect dome on coffered ceiling. Used for entertainment for 390 years (more than 400,000 people and 1m animals died inside) Had velarium (awning) over top socket and support. Exterior had columns of 3 different orders: 3rd level: corinthian, 2nd level: ionic, 1st level: tuscan (like ionic but had a base) Part of forum of trajan (forum= civic open space)