PHYSICS 15A Midterm: PHYS15A Harvard 03 Fall Midterm2 Solutions

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15 Feb 2019

Document Summary

Your professor (check one): crotty shaneson vanerp. You have 2 hours to complete this examination. Please write all answers below: this exam contains 20 multiple-choice questions. Please write the letter corresponding to your answer on the appropriate line on your answer sheet (below). An answer with no supporting work may receive little or no credit. Partial credit may be given based on your work: each question is worth 10 points. Find the arc length of the graph of y = x. 0 x sin x !dx: 4 2, 2 2, /2, 4 4, 2. The base of a solid is a semi-circular disk x,! y. Cross sections perpendicular to the x-axis are squares with their vertices on the semi-circle. Which of the three series given below converge? n =1 n n + 1. 3n n = 0: all diverge, i only. 1 n n: ii only, iii only, i and ii only, all converge.