CJS 101 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Police Misconduct, New York City Police Department, Problem Solving

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30 Mar 2017

Document Summary

Individual, society & justice study guide exam #2. > proactive - 2 or 3 times the normal level of control. Walker thought that the more police on the street, then we are more likely to prevent crime. Police population ratio- the number of sworn officers per 1,000 people. > meaningless as a measure of police effectiveness. > only tells us officers on payroll and the number in the street. Most effective in parking lots and other fixed locations such as convenient stores (reducing property crimes) Sought out to test whether varying the level of police control has any impact on crime. The level of control had no effect on either crime or citizen perceptions of police protection or fear of crime. Deterrence- visible police patrol communicates a threat of arrest and causes people to choose not to commit crime. Stop & frisk: terry v ohio (1968); ny outcomes. Faster response time: impact on arrests; crimes in progress.