AST-A 105 Study Guide - Midterm Guide: Brown Dwarf, White Dwarf, Irregular Galaxy

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Evolution depends of the mass: what happens next depends on the mass of a star, three categories, massive stars. Intermediate mass (sun: low mass (red dwarfs) most common type of stars. Evolution of red dwarfs: red dwarfs are the least massive main-sequecne stars, mass between 0. 1 and 0. 4 m. (solar masses, most numerous type of stars, dim, so consume fuel efficiently. It shrinks, but gravity not strong enough to crush the star. Intermediate mass stars (0. 5-8 solar masses: end of fusion means there is no pressure to balance the gravity, gravity would have crushed the star. It does not happen: sun runs on fusion for another billion years, (cid:862)t(cid:396)i(cid:272)ks(cid:863) fo(cid:396) dela(cid:455)i(cid:374)g death: fusion takes place outside of the core fusion of elements other than hydrogen. Important: some of the carbon from the core gets mixed into envelope. Sun as a supergiant: sun will become 200 times larger and 2000 times brighter.