SOC-S 100 Midterm: Exam 1 Review

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Central theories: functionalism- idea that various social institutions and processes in society exist to serve some important function to keep society running ( everything happens for a reason ); inequalities exist but aren"t bad, they are normal in nature. Associated with marx, feminist theory, and du bois: symbolic interactionism -a branch of sociology (a set of theories) that views the social world as the product of face-to-face interactions. Central ideas: people collectively assign meaning to symbols/signs (why a pen is called a pen, or a $ is a $); those collective meanings guide action. Associated with: george herbert mead: dramaturgical theory - the view of social life as a metaphorical theater performance, in which we are all actors with roles, scripts, costumes, and sets; includes backstage actions and frontstage actions. Associated with durkheim: labeling theory - individuals subconsciously notice how others see or label them, and their reactions to labels form the basis of their self-identity.