JOUR 568 Study Guide - Final Guide: Test Market, External Validity, Internal Validity

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Research approach in which one variable is manipulated and the effect on another variable is observed. Research designed to determine whether a change in one variable likely caused an observed change in another. To demonstrate causation (that a likely caused b), one must be able to show 3 things: In concomitant variation the two variables will either have a positive or inverse relationship. Approriate time order of occurrence- change in an independent variable occurred before an observed change in the dependent variable. Possible causal factors- hard to prove that something else did not cause change in b. Ability to control extraneous causal factors (temp. , light, humidity, etc. ) Ability to control causation and eliminate possibility of third party factors. Field experiments- tests conducted outside of the laboratory in an actual environment, such as a marketplace. Test markets are a frequently usef form of field experiments. Researchers have less control over variables in field experiments.