ANTH 1001 Study Guide - Quiz Guide: Allele Frequency, Northern Hemisphere, Reproductive Isolation

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13 Oct 2017

Document Summary

These catastrophes led to extinction of animals in the region. After the catastrophe, animals from neighboring areas migrated into the region. Those organisms with favorable traits will survive and produce more offspring. Then over time, there will be an increase in favorable traits across a population. If the location of a gene is changed, the phenotype may be changed: dosage effect of mutation: imbalance in chromosome number. Infinitely large population size: random mating, no natural selection, no migration, no mutation, types of non-random mating, positive-assortive mating: causes an increase in homozygosity. Exam 1 study guide: negative-assortive mating: causes a decrease in homozygosity, note: with all types of mating, there is not a change in allele frequencies, so by definition, they are not forces of evolution. Aa 0. 60 aa 0. 33 aa 0. 20: gene flow, gene flow occurs when alleles can be exchanged between populations.