ANTH 1001 : Anthro Test 1 Day 5

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15 Mar 2019
Anthro 9-17-07 Liz Office Hours=M 830-930, F 1030-1130 at 458 Howe Russell
Mendelian Disorders continued….
Recessive Disorders are just like recessive traits, have to inherit two copies of the harmful allele
in order for it to be expressed
If you have just one you are a carrier, may have some harmful aspects but no full blown
Inherited at one locus still
Cystic Fribrosis two copies of the allele, abnormal seacretions which develop lung
disease, thankfully recently advances have started to treat the disease
Tay-Sachs causes degeneration of the nervous system, start to show at 6 months
of age and die by the time they are 2 or 3, found in higher frequencies in a certain
sect of Jews
PKU people are not able to metabolize certain things such as Phenoamoline, it can
actually be controlled by diet thankfully, but could lead a build up of this and
cause mental retardation
Carriers are the ones who carry one copy of the allele, just like dominant alleles do not
totally mask the recessive trait
It has some type of expression of it, do not get the full blown but some aspect of it
May have to do with Heterozygote expression
Modern Theory of Evolution
Evolution is a change in gene frequencies of a trait in a population over time
Like prior to the 1930’s with two different ideas where one says that it occurs by
mutation, and the other was about natural selection being the driving force
Modern Synthesis refers to when the to different camps joined together and blended the
Means it’s the result of the production and distribution of variation, in addition to
mutation they now consider other factors, gene flow, genetic flow, and
As well as Natural Selection contributes to it, basically recognizing the factor of
the environment
Microevolution is referring to small scale changes with in a population they happen
within a couple of generations or so and these are changes that do not take place at the
species level( so no new species) such as the pepper moth example
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Document Summary

Anthro 9-17-07 liz office hours=m 830-930, f 1030-1130 at 458 howe russell. Recessive disorders are just like recessive traits, have to inherit two copies of the harmful allele in order for it to be expressed. If you have just one you are a carrier, may have some harmful aspects but no full blown. Cystic fribrosis two copies of the allele, abnormal seacretions which develop lung disease, thankfully recently advances have started to treat the disease. Tay-sachs causes degeneration of the nervous system, start to show at 6 months of age and die by the time they are 2 or 3, found in higher frequencies in a certain sect of jews. Pku people are not able to metabolize certain things such as phenoamoline, it can actually be controlled by diet thankfully, but could lead a build up of this and cause mental retardation.