BIOL 1001 : Biology Review

9 views2 pages
15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

Dna molecules wound up, double helix with strand connected together- split molecule apart. (dna helicase= enzyme that unzips dna) The separation makes room for other replication . Fork is in between unwound and wound dna. Separation with the helicase is a good sign to latch on there. Replication starts wherever polymerase is attached (blue is original) Leading strand: dna (polymerase: synthesized continuously) and lagging strand: polymerases moving along the strand (dna is copying) adding more dna nucleotides, goes until it cannot go any further. New polymerase needs to come in when the old one stops. Eventually polymerase realized and a new enzyme has to come in: need to join two segments (okazaki) together to make a continuous strand, dna ligase fills in gap and makes a continuous strand. Have dna strand and an mrna strand copied from it. Codons- three nucleotide bases that code for nucleic acids that need to reproduce or whether to stop or start it.