BIOL 1002 : Exam 2 Info

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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

Cell walls, (plant, fungi, animal, domains- bacteria, archae) Mutualistic (slide 60 ch 19) both organisms are benefiting. Bacteria differences between it and archea and eukarya. Symbiotic relationship the different types **know all 3. Most bacteria, fungus, plants, prok, euk cause human disease false. Characteristics of fungi and things that are not characteristics of fungi. Parasites (slide 16) harm the host, decompose living things. Know the 3 classifications of fungi (slides 35. Imperfect fungi division deuteromycota imperfect because they cannot reproduce sexually. Know the figure on slide 14 (4-5 questions from it, mainly involving time) Sexual reproduction combining genes from 2 different parents. Know the lifecycle slide 26 know when and where it is diploid and haploid. Roots and shoots (know everything randi"s side note) Know the flower parts from the flower structure. Plants that give us allergy produce lots of pollen. Slide 50 2 4 7 because one cell never fully divides, therefore the unlucky cell has 2 nuclei.