BIOL 1201 : 1201 Exam Review

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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

Biology final questions: weakest bond hydrogen, action pot. In a voltage gated k+ channel, there are ___ gates 1. 2: krebs cycle substrate level atp; glycolysis- substrate level; electron transport chain- oxidative phosphorylation, glycolysis takes place in the ____ cytoplasm; kreb cycle takes place in the mito chondrial matrix in eukaryotes and cytosol of prokaryotes. In the back of the brain: chemical signaling in plants work in - choices antagonistic pairs, other pairs, leg pic from online quiz- motor neuron, sensory neuron, pg. 3:1: protein signal molecules affect target cells because they have the receptors that are specific to that molecule, picture of some x ray looking thing and they asked about lengths of letters pg. 1107: what"s affect when muscle contracts? (what letter, picture of like rod and cones , horizontal cell, amacrine cell pg. 1104: ca++; determines if the muscles contracted or not.