BIOL 1202 : Exam 1 Notes

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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

Genus species homo sapiens: test for humans mating and breathing to determine species, exceptions: lion and tiger (hybrid) Hybrids are sterile (almost always: biological species concept. E coli= used to creat nutrients for the body: mutual symbiotic relationship- good for e coli. And the body at the same time: parasitic symbiotic relationship- one party harmed, one party benefited, e. coli coming in through the mouth and going through intestins. Have thousands of species in the room- benefit humans (bacteria etc. ) under skin. # of species in the world= 8-10 million. Binomial naming system lenaus: humans only homo sapiens left. 3 domains: -common ancestor of all living things is life: bacteria, archea, eukarya. Eukaryotes: humans/animals, multicellular, feed by ingestion, protista- unicellular, absrop/photosyn/ingestion, fungi- multicellular, absorp, plantea- multicellular, photosyn, animalia- multicellular, ingestion. Archaea: 3 kingdoms with in domain, prokaryotic- smallest living things. Species: dear king phil came over for gene"s special.