BIOL 1202 : BIOL 1202 Class Notes 2 5 13 And Exam 1 Review

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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

Foliate required for dna replication, so men and women need it so in. Africa, it was advantageous to be darkly pigmented (know two reasons why) Indian, pakistani populations: selection for re-pigmentation: **we needed to make vitamin d as we moved into east. Two main modes of speciation: allopatric = different country (patriotic) If one group becomes more nocturnal, might lead to reduction in gene flow in this population, to: order of events: original population ecological isolation genetic divergence. Reproductive isolation: **be able to distinguish whether a given description of speciation is occurring b/c of a geographical barrier or not. Frequency of recessive allele; p^2 = frequency of individuals that are homozygous dominant in that population; 2pq = frequency of individuals that are heterozygous; q^2 = frequency of individuals that are homozygous recessive) 74 rr = q^2 (= frequency (not number) of individuals that are homo recessive) Frequency this reps in total population (74/439 = q2)