CLST 2102 : Tentative Review For Roman Civilization Final SPRING 2012

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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

Tentative review for roman civilization final, part 1. Note: our final will be on friday, 11 may, at 7:30 a. m. in our regular classroom. Be sure to bring a large scantron and number 2 pencils or their equivalent. Sends units (regular and auxiliary) away from recruitment area; if auxiliaries remain in recruitment area, mixes ethnic content; breaks up large concentrations of legions; strengthens borders, continues efforts to expand in britain; annexes agri decumates to shorten german border. Restores finances of empire with smart spending, economy, higher and new taxes including the infamous. Urine tax; did spend on infrastructure, education, and the arts. Generous grants of citizenship and citizen rights to provincials; provincials appointed to the senate. He captured jerusalem to end the main phase of the jewish war (70); titus stopped treason trials: humiliated, flogged, and even enslaved informers; gave spectacular games to open the flavian. Amphitheatre in 80; left empire in good financial shape.