CMST 2064 : Spring 2017 Midterm

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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

Keep your completed midterm study to study for. Introduction to group communication: explain the six characteristics of small groups. the final exam. **remember friends episode (rachel leaving wedding w/ barry: know the characteristics of an effective group. Answer: both/and, freedom and connection in interpersonal relationships. A set of interconnected parts working together to form a whole in a context of a changing environment. **no group member acts in isolation, you all act as a system: understand the four characteristics of a system. Input, entropy, throughput, and output: understand the difference between input, entropy, throughput, and output. Synergy the idea that a group can do more as a whole than what any individual can do on its own based on the perceived skills of the group members. Negative synergy a group has a bad result than what they could have done individually: understand the different types of group dialectics (table 1. 5, page 14) 1. 6 page.