COMD 4153 : COMD 4153 Exam 2 PPT 4 Consonant 5

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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

Could only be certain of knowledge that results from publicly observable events. Importance of environment in shaping behavior (brit empiricist/associationist) Behaviorist manifesto paper watson tried out at columbia and then published. Skinner"s walden two description of an ideal community based on principles of behavioral control. Interest in science blossomed from darwin"s origin of species and reflexes of the brain (sechenov) Nobel prize 1904 studied digestion by isolating various parts of the digestive system and extracting digestive fluids system and that psychical events could be reduced to and explained reflex action in the cortex (mechanistic and materialistic) Institute of experimental medicine tower of silence soundproofed to ensure dogs would only respond to certain stimuli. Pavlov pouch: segregating a small section of the stomach and redesigning it a minature stomach. Reflexes of the brain: all cortical processes involved complex relationships between excitatory and inhibitory processes in the nervous. Left seminary and enrolled at the university of st. petersburg.