GEOG 2051 : Geography Notes Exam 2

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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

Collapse caverns beneath surface: the solution sink hole collapses through the roof of underground cavern. Solution water accumulates, dissolves more material, drains down into grown: karst valley formed by various sink holes to make a more linear depression, disappearing streams. Stalactites and stalagmites meet and combine together: soda straws, drip curtain longer crack on ceiling, more linear shaped feature, same process as drip stones. Driving force gravity, acting to pull materials downhill. Resisting force acting to hold particles in place: cohesiveness and friction, gravity acts straight down. Primary force that can act as driving force or as resisting force. Always acts directly downward to center of the earth. Driving: component acting parallel to the slope. Resisting: acts perpendicular to the slop, acting to hold the material in place. Have to overcome more friction to move: cohesion, tendency of particles to stick together, organic material, electromagnetic forces, etc, makes slopes more stable, ex.