HIST 2055 : History 2055 Final Exam Study Guide

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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

Eli whitney- yale graduate made a machine to help ginning cotton, and brought about an economic revolution and changed southern agriculture. Know-nothing party- the order of the star-spangled banner; pledged to never vote for any foreign or. Catholic president, when asked in public about the organization they replied i know nothing. almost achieved major party status. Second bank of the u. s. - b. u. s. located in philadelphia could establish branches throughout the states, and its banknotes were accepted in payments to the government, brought about by. John calhoun- the era"s greatest statesmen, from south carolina; introduced national bank bill and pushed it through by citing congresses power to regulate the currency; goes on to be vice. James monroe- chosen by madison to be his successor; virginian, Secretary of state; won the republican nomination after. Madison"s terms (1809-1817), won election and the virginia dynasty continued; he was a virginia planter, not wealthy, very prestigious political career was the last of the.