HIST 4022 : Hist 4022 Midterm Notes

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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

The roman catholic church tended to side with the kings which led to anticlericalism: clemenceau le tigre - set the tone for people who were not conservative. 900-1300 warming period; temperatures even warmer than today. Less than one percent of the population: peasants, 80% of the population; owned roughly 38% of land, artisans. Fertilizing the estate : most common way was venality- people buy positions; all gvts. Sold positions (british army until 1850); position usually used to make money for yourself; judgeships the important position (prosecutor)- 1714; in 1715, france was an exhausted country. Louis xv (reigned 1715 at age 5-1774: great grandson of louis xiv, unusually intelligent but only cared about pleasure; lazy. In his old age he liked young girls; had procurers seek out girls and had them delivered for his pleasure then returned to the streets a week later.