MGT 3500 : Exam 2 Study Guide

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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

Job control unionism (standardized outcomes: employee empowerment unionism (workers determine own outcomes, do they represent workers through, craft unionism (single occupation) Industrial unionism (all occupations within industry: a general union (diverse occupations and industries, is the local union an: Industrial local (multiple workers, single workplace: craft local (single occupation, multiple workplaces, amalgamated local (multiple occupations, workplaces, & industries) Management attitudes toward unions: union avoidance, union acceptance, union encouragement. Employer labor relations strategies (combination of attitude & business strategy): Pressures, constraints, & opportunities of the labor relations environment: (understand that these are areas of the environment that can influence the above strategic choices. : legal environment, economic environment, socio-political environment, ethical environment. Chapter 6: union organizing: they can look for work elsewhere, they can endure the existing policy, they can be disruptive and cause the employer to reconsider, they can try to form a labor union.