POLI 2051 : Chp.14,15,16/FinalExamNotes

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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

430-435: most states have a similar court structure, the only court that has to exist is the. District courts : 94, 91 within the us and 4 out, the kind of court we know about (judge, Like seen on tv: within the us contained within states. Supreme court : only court that has to exist, 9 justices, at this point was only have 8, pellet jurisdiction , has original jurisdiction, look in the textbook at figure 14. 3. 435-437: constitution authorizes the president to nominate and the senate to confirm, process is the same for all federal judges. The way the nominee is chosen differs according to the level of federal court involved. A general qualification is that the nominee be a lawyer. District courts senatorial courtesy applies (means he lets senators from his party give him suggestions) Presidents consider factors: that make the court more representative as a country as a whole: ideology, representational qualities.