PSYC 3030 : PSYC 3030 Exam 1 Notes

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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

4 main approaches to human cognition: forms field of cognitive science which aims to understand the fundamental nature and processes of cognition. Cognitive science is a subset of the broader field of neuroscience. Applied research- start with problem you"re trying to answer. Basic research- understand and describe phenomenon, for knowledge. Early experimentalists: gustav fechner- sensation and perception, wilhelm wundt- founder of experimental psychology, g. stanley hall- 1st president of apa, hermann ebbinghaus- father of memory research. Cognitive revolution (genesis of cognitive psychology- not thinking about the mind, study stimulus and what you are doing, computer science) Cognitive psychology assumes that complex mental processes underline. Cognitive psychology is a data-driven field that uses an empirical approach. Since we cannot directly observe mental processes, information processing approach- trace flow of information and infer the processes involved. There is a measurable time course of processing (reaction time) Errors in processing are not random (quality and quantity)