PSYC 3030 : PSYC 3030 EXAM 5

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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

Language is a shared system for symbolic communication: because language is pervasive, the study of language is multidisciplinary, collectively, known as psycholinguistics. An old, classic question: are language and thought inter-dependent: linguistic relativism the hypothesis that thinking shapes language and language shapes thinking, also called the sapir whorf hypothesis. You are not limited to things that are in space with you: problem: not all languages are spoken. Communication by pheromones: many species respond to chemical messages, although to different degrees, africanized ( killer ) bees pheromones keep the attack going, african termites build amazing city-like nests. Form very simple communication, complex and seemingly organized behavior can emerge: note that we tend to endow the insects with far more intelligence than is required for their behavior, we must be careful about anthropomorphizing. Language is more complex and sophisticated than just speech. Language is present in all human cultures: even in very isolated societies.