PSYC 4008 : Test 1 Review

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15 Mar 2019

Document Summary

Often called the historicism; explication of relationships within a narrow period of time: diachronical- focuses on change over time (longitudinal); emphasis on internatilism and the personalistic perspective, theory of history- naturalism vs. personalistic theory. Good: using past to understand present and: post modernism (this view doesn"t take the idea of absolute truth or morality very seriously. If there"s on absolutely truth, then anything goes. : epistemology (how do we support claims to know something. In a valid deductive argument, if the premises are true the conclusion must be true. A deductive argument can be valid and the conclusion false if one or more of the premises is false: inductive reasoning- reasoning from particular observations to general conclusions. In inductive reasoning the truth of the premise does not guarantee the truth of the conclusion. Scholasticism, the church, and: monism- the theory that all of reality is made of only one type of substance.