PSYC 4035 : Exam 3 Review

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15 Mar 2019

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Neuropharm final review: goodman and gillman quotes cause of any disorder found, if you don"t know the cause of a disorder, it"s hard to develop , statistics on bipolar, schizo, unipolar, know prevalence rates. Incidence and prevalence are increasing detected: boundaries of diagnostic categories expanding, shift in use of diagnostic labels, medicalization of problems of living. Ht1 and 5-ht2: when you give cpz to rats you find more da metabolites that. Increase of dopamine accounts for positive symptoms but does not account for negative symptoms: does not explain psychomimetic effects of lsd, pcp, and. Etc: know the generic names over the trade name, maois: first generation antidepressants; inhibits mao (enzyme that metabolizes monamine nts), inhibit mao increasing nts, phenelzine (nardil, tranylcypromine (parnate) Isocarboxazid (marplan: tcas: tricyclic antidepressants; binds to presynaptic transporter proteins and inhibits reuptake of nts in presynaptic terminal. Imipramine (tofranil: amitriptyline (elavil, desipramine (norpramine, ssris: (second generation antidepressants/ selective serotonin.