PSYC 101 Study Guide - Comprehensive Midterm Guide: Axon Terminal, Sensory Neuron, Myelin

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5 Oct 2016

Document Summary

The science of behavior and the mind: behavior: observable actions of a person or animal, mind: thoughts, feelings, sensations, perceptions, memories, dreams, motives, and other subjective experiences. If one person is dominant, the other person is submissive. If one person is friendly, the other person is likely to be friendly or if a person is unfriendly, the other person is likely to also be unfriendly: 7 essential perspectives in psychology. Neuroscience: how the body and brain enable emotions memories, and sensory experiences. Evolutionary: how the natural selection of traits promotes the perpetuation of one"s genes. Behavior genetics: how much our genes and environment influence individual differences. Social-cultural: how behavior and thinking vary across cultures: example is the idea of personal space. People in other cultures have different ideas of personal space. Norms are created in order to avoid curiosity of what to do and what should happen in certain situations.